pntd.0011981.g003.tif (194.86 kB)

Density of R. prolixus and its developmental stages according to the sampled palm.

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posted on 2024-02-20, 18:29 authored by Plutarco Urbano, Carolina Hernández, Natalia Velásquez-Ortiz, Nathalia Ballesteros, Luisa Páez-Triana, Laura Vega, Vanessa Urrea, Angie Ramírez, Marina Muñoz, Carlos N. Ibarra-Cerdeña, Camila González, Juan David Ramírez

(A) R. prolixus density according to the sampled palm. (B) R. prolixus developmental stages density according to the palm species. Top and bottom lines represent the maximum and minimum values, respectively. The middle line in the boxes represent the median of each data groups. The asterisks (***) indicate the significative differences (Dunn test p<0.0001) for 35 palms per species.
