pntd.0005317.g002.tif (192.11 kB)

Dengue incidence in Mario Briceño Iragorry and Girardot municipalities, Aragua state, between 2005–2015.

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posted on 2017-01-23, 17:30 authored by Maria F. Vincenti-Gonzalez, María-Eugenia Grillet, Zoraida I. Velasco-Salas, Erley F. Lizarazo, Manuel A. Amarista, Gloria M. Sierra, Guillermo Comach, Adriana Tami

Mario Briceño Iragorry municipality contains the neighborhoods of Caña de Azucar and Candelaria, while La Cooperativa neighborhood lies within Girardot municipality. Source: LARDIDEV (Laboratorio Regional para el Diagnóstico del Dengue y otras Enfermedades Virales), Corporación de Salud del Estado Aragua (CORPOSALUD Aragua), Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud, Venezuela, 2016.
