pone.0245845.g001.tif (231.99 kB)

Definition and properties of CFR and IFR.

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posted on 2021-01-28, 18:32 authored by Miguel Sánchez-Romero, Vanessa di Lego, Alexia Prskawetz, Bernardo L. Queiroz

The CFR and IFR both depend on the probability of dying once a person is infected, but not on the number of persons infected. Panel a and b show a hypothetical situation where in a population of 1000 persons, 100 get infected, with 1 death among all the infected. The difference is that on panel b only 30 out of the 100 persons who are infected are detected. This changes the denominator, making the CFR larger than the IFR. Below the panel we show how the probability of ever being infected (or the fraction of infected persons) and the probability of being detected among the population ever infected (or the fraction of detected persons), respectively, can be defined using the estimated IFR and the CFR.
