pdig.0000389.g001.tif (562.47 kB)

Data collection.

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posted on 2023-11-30, 19:13 authored by Harris Héritier, Chloé Allémann, Oleksandr Balakiriev, Victor Boulanger, Sean F. Carroll, Noé Froidevaux, Germain Hugon, Yannis Jaquet, Djilani Kebaili, Sandra Riccardi, Geneviève Rousseau-Leupin, Rahel M. Salathé, Talia Salzmann, Rohan Singh, Laura Symul, Elif Ugurlu-Baud, Peter de Verteuil, Marcel Salathé

a) Schematic illustrating the data collection process. (Left) Participants track the study variables in situ (from home, work, etc.). (Center) Data or samples are collected via web platforms and apps, or shipped to the lab by mail. (Right) Data is processed in the Food & You database. b and c) Example of data collected by one participant over 5 days. Top panel shows blood glucose levels (orange line), physical activity (turquoise spikes), and sleep (translucent turquoise rectangles). Bottom panel shows time and micronutrient composition (colors) of reported food intake. Like in the top panels, translucent turquoise rectangles show when the participant is asleep.
