pone.0262080.g004.tif (166.19 kB)

Cumulative hyporheic discharge to the channel (log scale) by water age (log scale) for a representative unit (RU) of water stored in a hyporheic zone.

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posted on 2022-01-14, 18:26 authored by Geoffrey C. Poole, S. Kathleen Fogg, Scott J. O’Daniel, Byron E. Amerson, Ann Marie Reinhold, Samuel P. Carlson, Elizabeth J. Mohr, Hayley C. Oakland

Each curve is associated with a different value of α, the negative power-law exponent used to describe the hyporheic water age distribution of hyporheic discharge. Units of hyporheic exchange (y-axis) can be interpreted in terms of length (e.g., m day−1), area (e.g., m2 day−1), or volume (e.g., m3 day−1) depending on whether the RU is one dimensional (e.g., 1 m of hyporheic water thickness), two dimensional (e.g., 1 m2 of hyporheic water cross-sectional area), or three dimensional (e.g., 1 m3 of hyporheic water). Hash marks on each curve demarcate the maximum water age (τi) for each of 50 transient storage zones (TSZs) in the RU; each TSZ contains 2% (0.02 mx) of water stored in the RU.
