pgen.1009325.s004.tif (995.78 kB)

Correlations between the expression of differentially regulated transcripts by exercise and the DNA methylation of corresponding regions.

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posted on 2021-01-29, 18:45 authored by Lewin Small, Lars R. Ingerslev, Eleonora Manitta, Rhianna C. Laker, Ann N. Hansen, Brendan Deeney, Alain Carrié, Philippe Couvert, Romain Barrès

Change in % methylation in promoter regions and gene bodies at (A, D) 10, (B, E) 30 and (C, F) 60 minutes after 30 minutes of treadmill running compared to rested muscle vs LogFC of RNA abundance in muscle 60 minutes after 30 minutes of treadmill running compared to rested muscle. A significant correlation is demonstrated by a blue line.

