pone.0282547.g002.tif (299.19 kB)

Correlation of protein molecular structural features with chemical profile and CNCPS subfractions and in situ biodegradation parameters.

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posted on 2024-01-11, 18:30 authored by Xinyue Zhang, Nazir Ahmad Khan, Enyue Yao, Fanlin Kong, Ming Chen, Rifat Ullah Khan, Xin Liu, Yonggen Zhang, Hangshu Xin

a, correlation of protein molecular structure features with protein chemical profile and CNCPS subfractions; b, correlation of protein molecular structure features with in situ biodegradation parameters. CP, crude protein; NPN, non-protein nitrogen; SCP, soluble CP; NDICP, neutral detergent insoluble CP; ADICP, acid detergent insoluble CP; PA1, ammonia; PA2, soluble non-ammonia CP; PB1, moderately degradable CP; PB2, slowly degradable CP; PC, unavailable CP; Kd, ruminal degradation rate; S, soluble CP in the in situ incubation; D, insoluble but potentially degradable CP in the in situ incubation; U, potential undegradable CP in the in situ incubation; RUP, the CP fraction of bypass rumen; EDCP, the effective degradable fraction of CP in the rumen.
