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Correlation analysis of relative TR-α mRNA expression with ∑PCB concentrations measured in the lower blubber biopsy section of harbor seal pups from the southern coast of British Columbia and northern Washington State

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posted on 2011-12-31, 02:01 authored by Maki Tabuchi, Nik Veldhoen, Neil Dangerfield, Steven Jeffries, Caren C. Helbing, Peter S. Ross

Copyright information:

Taken from "PCB-Related Alteration of Thyroid Hormones and Thyroid Hormone Receptor Gene Expression in Free-Ranging Harbor Seals ()"

Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(7):1024-1031.

Published online 16 Mar 2006


This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original DOI

A significant positive correlation is noted. = 0.679; < 0.01.
