pcbi.1011839.g006.tif (1.26 MB)

Continual learning across re-occurring rule switches.

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posted on 2024-02-20, 18:28 authored by Martin L. L. R. Barry, Wulfram Gerstner

A: The SpikeSuM-C network is composed of four layers. The input layer receives the stimulus and connects to the prediction-error layer which is composed of several SpikeSuM modules (cf. Fig 2). A set of context selector modules (CSM) composed of dis-inhibitory networks is bidirectionally connected with the prediction-error layer. Each SpikeSuM module excites its corresponding CSM. A Winner-Take-All circuit in the CSM layer selects the least excited module. Inhibitory feedback weights from the CSM to the prediction-error layer inhibit the PT neurons of unselected SpikeSuM modules, but not the prediction-error neurons (see Material and methods). Red weights are plastic. Non-plastic weights are shown in black for feedforward, solid blue for feedback, and dashed blue for lateral inhibitory connections. B: Connectivity (schematic) within a single module. Disinhibition combined with WTA dynamics selects the module with the lowest activity in the prediction error layer. C: Sequence of rule switches as a function of time. D: Summed activity of all PT-cells (grey, arbitrary units) in a SpikeSuM-C network with 5 modules and error magnitude (green, mismatch between transition matrix in currently selected module and ground truth) during learning. When the second rule appears for the second time, the error exhibits a short spike (green triangle) indicating successful switching between modules. At rare moments (green star marks one of the examples) module switching is initiated at an inappropriate moment but stops immediately thereafter. The activity generated by the switch to an unknown rule is stronger (grey bars exceed the horizontal orange dashed line) than that of a previously observed one (grey bars barely reach the cyan dashed line). Red line: behavior of SpikeSuM (control, 1 single module). E Evolution of synaptic weight matrices over time for each of the five modules. After 500 time steps, the transition matrix of rule 1 has been stored in module 5, and transition matrices of other rules are added as they appear.
