pcbi.1011839.g009.tif (93.97 kB)

Context selector module (CSM).

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posted on 2024-02-20, 18:28 authored by Martin L. L. R. Barry, Wulfram Gerstner

Each CSM contains two layers of inhibitory neurons. Layer 1 receives excitatory input from the corresponding SpikeSuM module. Layer 2 receives inhibition from layer 1 and lateral inhibition from layer 2 of other CSMs. The more excitation a CSM receives, the lower the activity in layer 2. Because of WTA dynamics implemented by lateral inhibition, the CSM module with the lowest excitation is selected, inhibits other CSMs, and shuts down the plasticity of other SpikeSuM modules. The red weights are plastic and can be interpreted as a ‘commitment’ to the selected module. The network activity represents the activity across all SpikeSuM modules and supports the WTA dynamics.
