Fig 2.tif (517.66 kB)

Consequences of increasing convection onto patient care and protein removal in hemodialysis - Fig 2

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posted on 2017-02-06, 19:04 authored by Nathalie Gayrard, Alain Ficheux, Flore Duranton, Caroline Guzman, Ilan Szwarc, Fernando Vetromile, Chantal Cazevieille, Philippe Brunet, Marie-Françoise Servel, Àngel Argilés, Moglie Le Quintrec

Panel A) Example of TMP variations during dialysis, for one patient with the four different convection volumes prescribed as to the protocol. TMP remained stable in haemodialysis and in low convection HDF while it increased during the treatment with optimal and maximum convection HDF. In the latter the increase was steeper and resulted in the appearance of TMP alarms that motivated nursing staff interventions. Panel B) depicts the TMP over convection volume function: each point represents the average of ~400 measurements during every dialysis of the 141 dialysis studied using a XEVONTA 1.8 m2, totaling >56,000 TMP measurements. Panel C) plots the number of alarms recorded during the assessed treatments and shows that it was around x10 fold in maximum when compared to optimal convection treatments. Panel D) plots the number of reductions in infusion flow necessary to avoid the alarms and pursue the treatment for the 4 treatment types, showing that infusion reduction was almost constantly required in maximum convection HDF at least in one occasion (a mean of 1 per session).
