pone.0279082.g011.tif (1.21 MB)

Connectivity level (current flow betweenness centrality, CFBC) of habitat nodes for genetic connectivity of nutria populations (base map data source:

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posted on 2022-12-16, 18:27 authored by Wanmo Kang, GoWoon Kim, Yongsu Park

(A) CFBC of habitat nodes measured at a cost distance threshold of 5,000 within the middle and downstream regions of the Nakdong River Basin. Circles represent habitat nodes. Red and yellow circles indicate priority habitat nodes of high connectivity for invasive species management. (B) Enlarged view of a key control area including high-priority habitat nodes along the Nakdong River and its major adjacent tributaries. Links connecting habitat nodes are also shown. River and stream data were derived from the OpenStreetMap database (
