pone.0285652.s001.tif (469.77 kB)

Confirmation of Area X and MST injections.

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posted on 2023-11-16, 18:30 authored by Malavika Ramarao, Caleb Jones, Jesse H. Goldberg, Andrea Roeser

(A-C) Area X, denoted by dashed white lines, (left) and MST (right) injections. Insets show HVC, denoted by dashed white lines. Note retrogradely labeled HVC neurons following Area X injections and absence of neurons following MST injections, confirming absence of leakage from MST injections into Area X. (A) adults; (B) late juveniles; (C) early juveniles. Scale bars are 250 μm in injection images and 50 μm in inset images.

