pone.0256640.g002.tif (781.34 kB)

Components of isoform-specific Bag-1 complexes identified by BN PAGE/LC-MS/MS.

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posted on 2021-08-24, 17:29 authored by Nisan Denizce Can, Ezgi Basturk, Tugba Kizilboga, Izzet Mehmet Akcay, Baran Dingiloglu, Ozge Tatli, Sevilay Acar, Pelin Ozfiliz Kilbas, Efe Elbeyli, Serena Muratcioglu, Ayse Tarbin Jannuzzi, Attila Gursoy, Ozlem Keskin, Hamdi Levent Doganay, Betul Karademir Yilmaz, Gizem Dinler Doganay

a. Experimental workflow. Bag-1 immunoprecipitates were run on native gel. Individual bands in each lane were cut, trypsinized and the resulting peptides were analyzed by LC-MS/MS. M: Protein marker. b-d. Seven protein complexes were characterized for Bag-1S (b), five for Bag-1M (c), and six for Bag-1L (d). Identified proteins are color-coded as following: Blue: Bag-1, green: Chaperones, yellow: ER-resident proteins, orange: Ubiquitination elements, purple: Shuttling proteins, red: Proteasome subunits.
