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Comparison with other studies.

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posted on 2023-11-30, 19:13 authored by Harris Héritier, Chloé Allémann, Oleksandr Balakiriev, Victor Boulanger, Sean F. Carroll, Noé Froidevaux, Germain Hugon, Yannis Jaquet, Djilani Kebaili, Sandra Riccardi, Geneviève Rousseau-Leupin, Rahel M. Salathé, Talia Salzmann, Rohan Singh, Laura Symul, Elif Ugurlu-Baud, Peter de Verteuil, Marcel Salathé

(Left panels): Comparison with the menuCH results. Distribution of the daily intake in energy (top row), meat (2nd row), dairy (third row), and water (bottom row). In each panel, the colored violins and dots represent the distribution and mean of the Food & You data while the smaller black dot is the mean for the corresponding population stratum reported by the menuCH study. (Top right panel): Proportion of participants that, on average, eat more than 5 portions of fruits and vegetables daily. For menuCH, the averages are over 2 days of data collection. For “Food & You”, the average is over 14 (cohort B) or 28 (cohort C) days of data collection. Bar heights show the proportion of participants, black whiskers show the 95% CI. (Bottom right panel): Microbiota composition of F&Y participants compared to that of other cohorts7,40–42. Each dot is a sample, and samples are colored by cohort. The coordinates of each sample are the first two coordinates resulting from a principal coordinate analysis on the Bray-Curtis distances between samples (Methods).
