pcbi.1011655.s010.tif (15.71 MB)

Comparison of the distribution of fractional Hamming distances between the generated and natural sequences for DHFR, P53 and MTOR.

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posted on 2023-11-27, 19:10 authored by Hoda Akl, Brooke Emison, Xiaochuan Zhao, Arup Mondal, Alberto Perez, Purushottam D. Dixit

Panels A, B and C. Distribution of fractional Hamming distances between random pairs of sequences within an ensemble shown as the fraction of pairs for which the hamming distance hrand (y-axis) is greater or equal than value h (x-axis). Panels D, E and F. Distribution of fractional Hamming distances to the closest sequence within an ensemble for different models shown as the fraction of sequences for which the minimum hamming distance hmin(y-axis) is greater or equal than value h (x-axis). Panels G, H and I. Distribution of fractional Hamming distances to closest natural sequence for different models shown as the fraction of sequences for which the minimum hamming distance hmin to MSA (y-axis) is greater or equal than value h (x-axis).

