posted on 2011-12-31, 10:07authored byRoger A Barthelson, Georgina M Lambert, Cheryl Vanier, Ronald M Lynch, David W Galbraith
Copyright information:
Taken from "Comparison of the contributions of the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments to global gene expression in human cells"
BMC Genomics 2007;8():340-340.
Published online 25 Sep 2007
alculated for the human genomic microarray data by ANOVA and by selection of those with a FDR less than 0.05. These two lists were submitted independently for analysis by GOToolbox [27] to determine the cell component annotation of the transcripts, and to determine whether some of the annotation categories were overrepresented on the lists, using the hypergeometric test with Benjamini and Hochberg FDR calculation. Some of the categories with strong representation among the transcripts are presented here. The transcripts that were placed in each category are identified by gene name or abbreviated TREMBL identifier and color-coded to indicate the ratio of the log, mean, normalized intensity values of the nuclear sample over the cytoplasmic sample. Where the lists for nuclear or cytoplasmic transcripts show overrepresentation in a GO category, the FDR is provided.