pone.0297113.g007.tif (746.68 kB)

Comparison of temporal trends in the PaCO2-ETCO2 gradient, stratified by quantile, amongst adult trauma patients with TBI, Isolated-TBI, and TBI+, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; 2015–2019.

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posted on 2024-02-02, 18:25 authored by Neil Sardesai, Owen Hibberd, James Price, Ari Ercole, Ed B. G. Barnard

ETCO2- End-tidal carbon dioxide, PaCO2 –partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide, TBI—traumatic brain injury, Isolated-TBI—patients with serious or more severe isolated TBI, with no concomitant injuries (AIS ≥3 ‘head’ only), TBI+—patients with serious or more severe TBI plus concomitant injuries (AIS ≥3 ‘head’ together with at least one other anatomical body region AIS ≥1).
