pone.0262447.g001.tif (560.11 kB)

Comparison of surveillance signal from ONM to COVID-19 activity.

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posted on 2022-01-11, 18:27 authored by Arjuna S. Maharaj, Jennifer Parker, Jessica P. Hopkins, Effie Gournis, Isaac I. Bogoch, Benjamin Rader, Christina M. Astley, Noah M. Ivers, Jared B. Hawkins, Liza Lee, Ashleigh R. Tuite, David N. Fisman, John S. Brownstein, Lauren Lapointe-Shaw

(A) Percent CLI and CLI2 vs new COVID-19 cases and symptomatic COVID-19 cases. (B) Percent CLI and percent positivity for SARS-CoV2. (C) Percent CLI and number of new COVID-19 cases based on the estimated date of symptom onset. (D) Percent CLI of those ≥19 years of age and new COVID-19 cases among those ≥19 years of age.
