pone.0196477.g007.tif (405.48 kB)

Comparison of measured salinity at 33m from the Arkona Basin and oxygen content in the Bornholm Basin from modeled data.

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posted on 2018-05-16, 17:38 authored by Burkhard von Dewitz, Susanne Tamm, Katharina Höflich, Rüdiger Voss, Hans-Harald Hinrichsen

Time series of salinity measured at the 33m depth level (Arkona Basin platform) operated by the Federal Maritime and Hydrography Agency, Hamburg, Germany is shown in daily resolution in the upper panel. Lower panel represents vertically mean oxygen concentration data (averaged between 60 and 90m) of the Bornholm Basin taken from the hydrodynamic model runs (BSIOM). Monthly means are indicated as horizontal lines.
