pone.0247513.g007.tif (282.26 kB)

Comparison of Pa and Ab qPCR, gene expression following treatment with EDTA, A-NO2- and AB569 combination.

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posted on 2021-03-03, 18:41 authored by Amy L. Bogue, Warunya Panmanee, Cameron T. McDaniel, Joel E. Mortensen, Edwin Kamau, Luis A. Actis, Jay A. Johannigman, Michael J. Schurr, Latha Satish, Nalinikanth Kotagiri, Daniel J. Hassett

The black column represents the untreated control, EDTA is in dark grey, A-NO2- is in light grey, and the combination is the black outlined column 2-ΔΔCt values. Genes tested are listed on the x-axis and log scale values are listed on the y-axis. (A). Pa relative gene expression (2-ΔΔCt Values). (B). Ab relative gene expression (2-ΔΔCt Values).
