pone.0261853.g006.tif (468.51 kB)

Comparison of direct versus extracted PCR analyses for locally sourced clinical samples (Project C).

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posted on 2022-01-13, 18:44 authored by Margaret G. Mills, Emily Bruce, Meei-Li Huang, Jessica W. Crothers, Ollivier Hyrien, Christopher A. L. Oura, Lemar Blake, Arianne Brown Jordan, Susan Hester, Leah Wehmas, Bernard Mari, Pascal Barby, Caroline Lacoux, Julien Fassy, Pablo Vial, Cecilia Vial, Jose R. W. Martinez, Olusola Olalekan Oladipo, Bitrus Inuwa, Ismaila Shittu, Clement A. Meseko, Roger Chammas, Carlos Ferreira Santos, Thiago José Dionísio, Thais Francini Garbieri, Viviane Aparecida Parisi, Maria Cassia Mendes-Correa, Anderson V. de Paula, Camila M. Romano, Luiz Gustavo Bentim Góes, Paola Minoprio, Angelica C. Campos, Marielton P. Cunha, Ana Paula P. Vilela, Tonney Nyirenda, Rajhab Sawasawa Mkakosya, Adamson S. Muula, Rebekah E. Dumm, Rebecca M. Harris, Constance A. Mitchell, Syril Pettit, Jason Botten, Keith R. Jerome

The left (A) and center (B) boxplots illustrate the difference between direct and extracted Ct values in the five laboratories participating in Project C for the RP and N2 genes respectively. The right boxplot (C) illustrates the difference between direct and extracted Ct values plotted against the extracted Ct value, in five laboratories.
