pone.0241454.s004.tiff (1015.87 kB)

Comparison of common mutated gene frequency of small-bowel cancers between the current study and previous studies.

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posted on 2021-05-20, 17:49 authored by Akiyoshi Tsuboi, Yuji Urabe, Shiro Oka, Akihiko Sumioka, Sumio Iio, Ryo Yuge, Ryohei Hayashi, Toshio Kuwai, Yasuhiko Kitadai, Kazuya Kuraoka, Koji Arihiro, Shinji Tanaka, Kazuaki Chayama

We compared the frequency of genomic variants in TP53, KRAS, APC, SMAD4, and PIK3CA for small-bowel cancers. There were no significantly different genomic variants for any gene. However, the frequency of genomic variant of APC and PIK3CA in this study tended to be higher than that reported in previous studies.

