pone.0262616.g002.tif (218.02 kB)

Comparison of codon coverage estimates for drug resistance-conferring SNPs between individual and pooled sequenced samples.

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posted on 2022-01-14, 18:26 authored by Swarnali Louha, Camelia Herman, Mansi Gupta, Dhruviben Patel, Julia Kelley, Je-Hoon M. OH, Janani Guru, Jean F. Lemoine, Michelle A. Chang, Udhayakumar Venkatachalam, Eric Rogier, Eldin Talundzic

SNP loci are shown on the x axis and codon coverage of read depth on the y axis. Orange: pooled sequenced samples; green: individual sequenced samples. Boxen plot distribution values: black centerline = median, which separates the upper 50th percentile from the lower 50th percentile of the dataset; each successive level outward from the median splits the remaining data further into two separate regions, denoting the 25th, 12.5th, and 6.25th percentiles.
