pgen.1009865.s003.tif (4.82 MB)

Comparison of adipose tissue for three subsets of samples.

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posted on 2021-10-26, 17:33 authored by Hannah J. Perrin, Kevin W. Currin, Swarooparani Vadlamudi, Gautam K. Pandey, Kenneth K. Ng, Martin Wabitsch, Markku Laakso, Michael I. Love, Karen L. Mohlke

(A) PCA for PC1 (principal component) vs PC2 for all 17 samples that met quality thresholds. Solid light purple arrows indicate samples that are unique to the 17-sample set (excluded from the 11-sample set). Dashed light purple arrows indicate three previously published samples that have been included in the 11- and 17- sample sets. (B) Hierarchical clustering using the top 10 PCs from PCA. The red dashed line indicates the cutoff used to exclude six samples from the 11-sample set. Dark purple indicates samples in the 11-sample set. Dashed light purple indicates samples in the 3-sample set. Sample numbers correspond to library quality metrics in S10 Table. (C) PCA for PC1 vs PC2 for the 11-sample set. Dashed light purple arrows indicate three previously published samples that have been included. (D) Adipose peak overlap with chromatin states of Roadmap adipose nuclei for the three different sample subsets of adipose consensus peaks using the top 50k peaks for each set. Values in S9 Table. (E) Heatmap of cardiometabolic trait GWAS locus enrichment; rheumatoid arthritis was selected for comparison. Peak sets include two sets of adipose tissue peaks. Values in S12 Table. **, P < 0.005; *, P < 0.05.

