pone.0262697.g011.tif (371.86 kB)

Comparison of accuracy rates of recommended algorithms in History dataset offline experiments (IRT refers to the Item Response Theory algorithm, PMF represents the Probabilistic Matrix Factorization algorithm, FM represents the Factorization Machine algorithm, DKT represents the Deep Knowledge Tracing algorithm, DKVMN represents the Dynamic Key-Value Memory Network, DQN represents the Deep Q Network).

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posted on 2022-01-26, 18:36 authored by Zongye Yang

Comparison of accuracy rates of recommended algorithms in History dataset offline experiments (IRT refers to the Item Response Theory algorithm, PMF represents the Probabilistic Matrix Factorization algorithm, FM represents the Factorization Machine algorithm, DKT represents the Deep Knowledge Tracing algorithm, DKVMN represents the Dynamic Key-Value Memory Network, DQN represents the Deep Q Network).
