pgen.1009774.s006.tif (1 MB)

Comparison of PTEN variant function in adult wings with ΔVAC14 and fly developmental delay scores.

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posted on 2021-09-07, 17:45 authored by Payel Ganguly, Landiso Madonsela, Jesse T. Chao, Christopher J. R. Loewen, Timothy P. O’Connor, Esther M. Verheyen, Douglas W. Allan

Pairwise correlation scatter plots between the wing size assay and the yeast sentinel interaction mapping of PTEN variants using the ΔVAC14 sentinel [50] (A), or the Drosophila developmental delay assay (time to eclosion) (B) [50]. Each datum point indicates an individual normalized variant (where attP2 = 0 and PTEN-WT = 1) with clusters coloured according to clusters identified in Fig 6A.

