pone.0257136.g003.tif (1.06 MB)

Comparison between French and seminal German norms.

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posted on 2021-09-10, 17:37 authored by Olivier A. Coubard, Kinga M. Ober, Marie Gaumet, Marika Urbanski, Jean-Noël Amato, Vincent Chapron, Nicolas Weiss, Kiyoka Kinugawa, Karin Weissenborn, Dominique Thabut

Correlation scatterplots of (A) correct responses in Digit Symbol Test (DST), time in seconds in (B) Number Connection Test part A (NCT-A), (C) NCT-B, (D) Serial Dotting Test (SDT), (E) Line Tracing Test (LTTt), and (F) errors in LLT (LTTe) of French (f) participants on y axis as a function of German (g) participants on x axis. Subtitles are regression equations.
