pgen.1009094.g004.tif (1.45 MB)

Comparative oncogenomic landscape of candidate driver mutations and common altered pathways in mouse and human cuSCC genomes.

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posted on 2021-08-16, 17:39 authored by Aziz Aiderus, Justin Y. Newberg, Liliana Guzman-Rojas, Ana M. Contreras-Sandoval, Amanda L. Meshey, Devin J. Jones, Felipe Amaya-Manzanares, Roberto Rangel, Jerrold M. Ward, Song-Choon Lee, Kenneth Hon-Kim Ban, Keith Rogers, Susan M. Rogers, Luxmanan Selvanesan, Leslie A. McNoe, Neal G. Copeland, Nancy A. Jenkins, Kenneth Y. Tsai, Michael A. Black, Karen M. Mann, Michael B. Mann

Integrated Oncoprints sorted by biological pathway or process discovery significance within the SB|cuSCC dataset and displaying the mutation burden across SB-induced mouse cuSCC (n = 84) or cuKA (n = 62) and human UV-IR-induced cuSCC genomes (S1, S2, and S3 Data and S1 Text).
