ppat.1009165.g006.tif (1.52 MB)

Combination of nAbs targeting different sites are more effective in SARS-CoV-2 neutralization.

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posted on 2021-02-11, 18:28 authored by Michael Mor, Michal Werbner, Joel Alter, Modi Safra, Elad Chomsky, Jamie C. Lee, Smadar Hada-Neeman, Ksenia Polonsky, Cameron J. Nowell, Alex E. Clark, Anna Roitburd-Berman, Noam Ben-Shalom, Michal Navon, Dor Rafael, Hila Sharim, Evgeny Kiner, Eric R. Griffis, Jonathan M. Gershoni, Oren Kobiler, Sandra Lawrynowicz Leibel, Oren Zimhony, Aaron F. Carlin, Gur Yaari, Moshe Dessau, Meital Gal-Tanamy, David Hagin, Ben A. Croker, Natalia T. Freund

Virus-induced cell death traced for 84 h when nAbs were combined with the virus 1 h prior to addition to confluent Vero E6 cells at MOI:1. The antibody concentration for each nAb is 1 μg/ml, and is depicted by circles (A), or 10 μg/ml and is depicted by squares (B). In every panel, the six nAbs are indicated on the top of each graph. In each graph, empty circles or squares correspond to the effect when the indicated nAb was used alone. Full circles or squares correspond to the effect when the indicated nAb was used in combination with TAU-1109 (depicted in purple), with TAU-2212 (depicted in orange), or both (depicted in red). The black bold line shows a “virus only” (no nAb) control.
