pone.0294241.g005.tif (568.8 kB)

Coefficient of Variation (CoV) presented as a percentage for the stride time, stride length, stance time and stance length while walking on a treadmill on the first (left side of each subplot) and final (right side of each subplot) days of training without the exoskeletons (green), with the exoskeletons on and unpowered (orange), and with (blue) the exoskeleton.

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posted on 2023-11-13, 18:29 authored by Rachel Hybart, Daniel Ferris

There was significantly higher variability in all measures when wearing the exoskeleton compared to not wearing the exoskeleton on both the first and final day of training. Data is represented as a box plot where the central line indicates the median of the data, the top and bottom edges of the box indicate the 25th and 75th percentile, and the whiskers represent the minimum and maximum values. Red crosses indicate outliers in the data. **** indicates significant differences between exoskeleton conditions. There were no significant differences due to the day.
