pgen.1010012.s005.tif (3.6 MB)

Clustering analysis illustrates the robustness of the RiboMethSeq data.

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posted on 2022-01-18, 18:42 authored by Jonathan Delhermite, Lionel Tafforeau, Sunny Sharma, Virginie Marchand, Ludivine Wacheul, Ruben Lattuca, Simon Desiderio, Yuri Motorin, Eric Bellefroid, Denis L. J. Lafontaine

At each of the six developmental stages analyzed, four individual embryos were tested. Clustering of the RiboMethSeq analysis (here shown only for the 18S and 5.8S rRNA modifications; the same result was observed with 28S rRNA modifications) illustrates the remarkable robustness of our dataset. The staged embryos analyzed are depicted.

