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Clostridia are not depleted in infected IL-1β -/- mice.

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posted on 2024-01-18, 18:41 authored by Mor Zigdon, Jasmin Sawaed, Lilach Zelik, Dana Binyamin, Shira Ben-Simon, Nofar Asulin, Rachel Levin, Sonia Modilevsky, Maria Naama, Shahar Telpaz, Elad Rubin, Aya Awad, Wisal Sawaed, Sarina Harshuk-Shabso, Meital Nuriel-Ohayon, Mathumathi Krishnamohan, Michal Werbner, Omry Koren, Sebastian E. Winter, Ron N. Apte, Elena Voronov, Shai Bel

(A) Absolute number of Clostridia OTUs in gut microbiota of Salmonella-infected mice as in Fig 3. (B) qPCR analysis of levels of the class Clostridia in uninfected mice housed and treated as indicated. Each dot represents a mouse. These data are representative of 1 experiment. *P < 0.05. Student’s t test. OTUs, operational taxonomic unit; RQ, relative quantity. Numerical values are in S1 Data. The underlying data for this figure can be found at GSE252071.

