pone.0247253.g003.tif (803.28 kB)

Clonotype landscape and expanded clonotypes for each participant.

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posted on 2021-02-22, 18:29 authored by David Forgacs, Rodrigo B. Abreu, Giuseppe A. Sautto, Greg A. Kirchenbaum, Elliott Drabek, Kevin S. Williamson, Dongkyoon Kim, Daniel E. Emerling, Ted M. Ross

(A) Participants whose three most expanded clonotypes belonged to three different IGHV groups. (B) A phylogenetic tree was included for participants when at least two of the three most expanded clonotypes were of the same IGHV group. This tree only includes those of the top 3 most expanded clonotypes that belong to the same IGHV group. The largest such compartments are shown in orange, the second largest in blue, and the third largest (for participants whose three largest compartments were all the same IGHV group) are shown in brown. On occasion, the most expanded clonotype is not shaded in the pie chart, and is not included on the phylogenetic tree as it represents a different IGHV group than the second and third most expanded clonotypes (e.g. D#089). The number of individual PBs are shown next to the highlighted clades on the phylogenetic trees.
