pgen.1009094.s008.tiff (5.25 MB)

Clonally selected SB insertions affect trunk driver proto-oncogene expression in SB-cuSCC genomes.

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posted on 2021-08-16, 17:38 authored by Aziz Aiderus, Justin Y. Newberg, Liliana Guzman-Rojas, Ana M. Contreras-Sandoval, Amanda L. Meshey, Devin J. Jones, Felipe Amaya-Manzanares, Roberto Rangel, Jerrold M. Ward, Song-Choon Lee, Kenneth Hon-Kim Ban, Keith Rogers, Susan M. Rogers, Luxmanan Selvanesan, Leslie A. McNoe, Neal G. Copeland, Nancy A. Jenkins, Kenneth Y. Tsai, Michael A. Black, Karen M. Mann, Michael B. Mann

(A) Summary of Zmiz1 and Zmiz2 transcripts identified from bulk analysis of cuSCC cells by wtRNA-seq are represented as the log10 ratio of fragments per kilobase of transcript per million (FPKM) from the average of 6 genomes with SB insertions into Zmiz1 compared to the transcripts from the single genome with Zmiz2 SB insertion, defined by FPKM mapped reads from ribo-depleted RNA. (B) Transcripts identified from bulk analysis of cuSCC cells by wtRNA-seq are represented as the log10 ratio of SB insertion containing compared to wild-type transcripts, defined by fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads from ribo-depleted. (C-F) Individual panels from Fig 5E: multifold induction of gene expression in cuSCC masses with (+) high read depth activating SB insertion events among 4 candidate oncogenic drivers compared with normal gene expression levels in cuSCC tumors without (–) SB insertions.

