ppat.1011879.s003.tiff (1.04 MB)

Circular dichroism (CD) analysis of the designed immunogens.

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posted on 2024-03-04, 19:36 authored by Rui Ma, Nichole D. Salinas, Sachy Orr-Gonzalez, Brandi Richardson, Tarik Ouahes, Holly Torano, Bethany J. Jenkins, Thayne H. Dickey, Jillian Neal, Junhui Duan, Robert D. Morrison, Apostolos G. Gittis, Justin Y. A. Doritchamou, Irfan Zaidi, Lynn E. Lambert, Patrick E. Duffy, Niraj H. Tolia

(A) CD spectra of the immunogens. (B) Upper panel shows the CD spectra for the different immunogens as color-coded in the inset. The lower panel shows the MRE (Mean-residue-ellipticity) values at lambda = 222 nm versus lambda = 200 nm that indicate the folding state of each immunogen as color-coded in the inset. PCDDB—Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank.

