pone.0261487.g001.tif (1.09 MB)

Circos-plot of E. arachidis.

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posted on 2021-12-16, 18:54 authored by Wenli Jiao, Mengxue Xu, Rujun Zhou, Yiwei Fu, Zibo Li, Caiyun Xue

The outermost circle is the size of the genome, each scale is 5 Kb; the second circle and third circle are the genes on the positive and negative strands of the genome, respectively (different colors represent different COG functional); the fourth circle is repeated sequence; the fifth circle is tRNA and rRNA (blue: tRNA, purple: rRNA); the sixth circle is GC content (light yellow: the GC content is higher than the average GC content, blue: the GC content is lower than the average GC content); the innermost circle is GC-skew (dark gray: the G content is greater than C, red: the C content is greater than G).
