pone.0259830.g002.tif (832.16 kB)

Choices presented in the bundle-size 1, 3, and 9 conditions.

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posted on 2021-11-12, 18:29 authored by Jeffrey S. Stein, Gregory J. Madden

The delay to the first LLR in all conditions was D1, with additional rewards in the bundle (where applicable) delivered after D2, D3, etc. These additional delays were equal to D1 multiplied by the order of that delay in the series (e.g., D2 = D1*2, D3 = D1*3, etc.). The first SSR in all conditions was delivered immediately, with additional rewards in the bundle (where applicable) delivered after D1, D2, D3, etc. Note that with this method of arranging delays, the interval between any two rewards in a given bundle was equal to D1. Likewise, any given SSR in a bundle was available D1 units sooner than its paired LLR.
