pone.0287865.g004.tif (3.88 MB)

Characterization of Ldh expression in the intestine and Malpighian tubules.

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posted on 2024-01-03, 18:33 authored by Madhulika Rai, Sarah M. Carter, Shefali A. Shefali, Geetanjali Chawla, Jason M. Tennessen

The Ldh expression pattern in the intestine and Malphigian tubules of L3 larvae was examined using Ldh-GFPGenomic, Ldh-GFPenhancer, and an aLdh antibody. (A-L) Representative confocal images of Ldh expression and DAPI staining in (A-F) the midgut and (G-L) the Malphigian tubules. Note that Ldh is expressed at significantly higher levels in (A,C,E) a subset of small cells of the AMP clusters (denoted with arrowheads in (A-F)) and (G,I,K) the stellate cells of the Malpighian tubules. The scale bar in all images represents 40 μM.
