pone.0295863.g005.tif (4.3 MB)

Characterization of expression pattern of IICs.

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posted on 2023-12-14, 18:44 authored by Adib Miraki Feriz, Fatemeh Bahraini, Arezou Khosrojerdi, Setareh Azarkar, Seyed Mehdi Sajjadi, Edris HosseiniGol, Mohammad Amin Honardoost, Samira Saghafi, Nicola Silvestris, Patrizia Leone, Hossein Safarpour, Vito Racanelli

A) Dot plot of the expression pattern of IICs in Tregs before and after Nivolumab therapy; B) Venny plot of the significant IICs in Tregs; C) The log2FC and Adj P.val of IICs in Tregs between two statuses. D) The expression pattern of significant IICs along the pseudo-time; Yellow branches shows highest expression of the gene across the pseudo-time. E) The expression pattern of significant IICs in TCGA tumor bulk dataset, The box plots display the median mRNA expression levels of Treg markers in HNSCC tumors (represented by the orange plots) and the corresponding normal tissues (represented by the red plot). The values on the axes are represented in units of Log2 (TPM+1). The * red indicates a p-value less than 0.01, implying statistical significance. The abbreviations T and N denote tumor and normal tissues, respectively.
