ppat.1009742.s001.tif (1.78 MB)

Characterization of HLA-DR+ non-DC population.

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posted on 2021-10-06, 17:47 authored by Elena Winheim, Linus Rinke, Konstantin Lutz, Anna Reischer, Alexandra Leutbecher, Lina Wolfram, Lisa Rausch, Jan Kranich, Paul R. Wratil, Johanna E. Huber, Dirk Baumjohann, Simon Rothenfusser, Benjamin Schubert, Anne Hilgendorff, Johannes C. Hellmuth, Clemens Scherer, Maximilian Muenchhoff, Michael von Bergwelt-Baildon, Konstantin Stark, Tobias Straub, Thomas Brocker, Oliver T. Keppler, Marion Subklewe, Anne B. Krug

(A) Gating strategy for neutrophils in the blood: Within the lineage (CD3, CD15, CD19, CD20, CD56, CD66b) positive cells neutrophils were gated as CD16+ and CD88/89+. (B) UMAP clustering of one representative COVID-19 patient. Overlay of gated cDC1 (green, CD141+), cDC2 (orange, CD1c+, CD5+), DC3 (brown, red, dark red, CD1c+, CD5, CD163+/–, CD14+/–), pDC (black, CD123+), tDC (blue, CD123+, Siglec1+, Axl+) and non-DC (purple, HLA-DR+, Lin-, CD141, CD1c) populations. (C) Representative histograms of CD11c, CD1c and CD86 expression in cDC1, cDC2, DC3, tDC, pDC and non-DC in a patient with moderate COVID-19. (D) Expression of several surface markers overlayed in the UMAP from (B). Shown is the expression of CD33, CCR2, CD14, CD1c, CD5, CD163, CD86, HLA-DR, CD123, Axl, CD141, XCR1 indicated by color scale (red = high expression, green = intermediate, blue = low expression). (E) Gating strategy for identification of progenitor populations in the blood. Cells are pregated on Lin(CD3, CD15, CD19, CD20, CD56, CD66b, CD88, CD89), HLA-DR+ living cells. pDCs and tDCs are excluded via gating on CD123 cells followed by exclusion of cDCs by gating on CD1c, CD141 cells. These progenitors are then separated into lymphoid cells (CD127+) and CD127 progenitors. Here, cells can be differentiated by their expression of CD117 and CD34 into four quadrants: CD117+ CD34, CD117+ CD34+, CD117 CD34+, CD117 CD34. (F) Representative histograms of marker expression of non-DCs, cDCs, pDC/tDCs, lymphoid cells, CD117+ CD34+, CD117 CD34, CD117+ CD34, CD117 CD34+ progenitor cells, gated according to (E) of one COVID-19 patient. Expression of CD141, CD14, CD1c, CD33, Ki67, CD115, CD127, CD135, CD45RA, CD163, CD34, CD117, CD123, HLA-DR and Siglec-6 is shown. (G) Percentage of CD117 CD34, CD34+ CD117, CD117+ CD34, CD117+ CD34+ cells of total CD127 progenitor cells. (H) Percentage of CD127+ lymphoid cells of the progenitor cells are shown. Healthy donors (= H, black symbols, n = 12), mild/moderate and severe COVID-19 patients (= M/S, red, n = 9) and recovered patients (= R, orange, n = 9).

