pone.0247901.g001.tif (814.65 kB)

Changes in EAE-induced cellular infiltration in the optic nerve.

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posted on 2021-03-18, 17:37 authored by Amritha A. Candadai, Fang Liu, Abdelrahman Y. Fouda, Moaddey Alfarhan, Chithra D. Palani, Zhimin Xu, Ruth B. Caldwell, S. Priya Narayanan

A-D) Representative images of H&E stained sections from control and EAE optic nerves. Increased infiltration was evident in WT EAE sections, while A2 deletion markedly reduced this effect. E-H) High magnification images of boxed regions demonstrate EAE-induced cellular infiltration. Arrows indicate clusters of infiltrated cells. I) Quantification of infiltrated cells using ImageJ. Data are presented as Mean ± SEM. #p<0.01 WT EAE vs WT Con and *p<0.05 A2-/- EAE vs WT EAE. Number of animals used: 8(WT Control);12 (WT EAE); 9 (A2-/- EAE); 7 (A2-/- Control). Representative images are presented. Scale bar 50 μm.
