pone.0262173.s004.tif (45.13 MB)

Cellular ARA and ARA/DGLA ratio by genotype at rs174537 and LA dietary exposure.

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posted on 2022-01-20, 18:26 authored by L. Madison Kirk, Charlotte Mae K. Waits, Alexander C. Bashore, Beverly Dosso, Allison K. Meyers, Antonio C. Renaldo, Thomas J. DePalma, Kelli N. Simms, Nathaniel Hauser, Chia-Chi Chuang Key, Charles E. McCall, John S. Parks, Susan Sergeant, Carl D. Langefeld, Aleksander Skardal, Elaheh Rahbar

Exposure to dietary LA did not result in significantly different differences within each genotype. However, TTs consistently exhibited lower (A) ARA and (B) ARA/DGLA levels.

