pcbi.1011919.s001.tif (417.93 kB)

Cell viability and cell death measures following 6 hours of exposure to compounds.

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posted on 2024-02-29, 18:53 authored by Bonnie V. Dougherty, Connor J. Moore, Kristopher D. Rawls, Matthew L. Jenior, Bryan Chun, Sarbajeet Nagdas, Jeffrey J. Saucerman, Glynis L. Kolling, Anders Wallqvist, Jason A. Papin

Shapes indicate different cell isolations. Black dots indicate a statistically significant change from the control condition (p-value < 0.05) calculated using Dunntt’s test. Black boxes indicate the chosen concentrations for cardiotoxicity characterization. (A) Percent cell viability for a range of concentrations of treatment following 6 hours of exposure. (B) Percent cell death measured using a Hoescht/PI stain.

