pone.0290823.g001.tif (165.1 kB)

COVID-19 confirmed cases and stringency index in Malawi, 2020–2021.

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posted on 2024-01-17, 18:26 authored by Bingling She, Tara D. Mangal, Anna Y. Adjabeng, Tim Colbourn, Joseph H. Collins, Eva Janoušková, Ines Li Lin, Emmanuel Mnjowe, Sakshi Mohan, Margherita Molaro, Andrew N. Phillips, Paul Revill, Robert Manning Smith, Pakwanja D. Twea, Dominic Nkhoma, Gerald Manthalu, Timothy B. Hallett

There have been four waves (> 49 cases per 1 million persons) as indicated in red time labels. The data source is [22].
