pbio.3001230.s003.tif (8.41 MB)

CLEM analysis of endolysosomes in STD nephrocytes.

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posted on 2021-05-04, 17:51 authored by Aleksandra Lubojemska, M. Irina Stefana, Sebastian Sorge, Andrew P. Bailey, Lena Lampe, Azumi Yoshimura, Alana Burrell, Lucy Collinson, Alex P. Gould

(A) The 5 endolysosomal categories distinguished in CLEM analysis of Rab7::YFPmyc STD nephrocytes subjected to dextran uptake assays. The criteria used were scanning EM luminal density (“white,” “light,” or “dark”), and also the “+” or “−” status of expression of Dextran and Rab7::GFP. Scale bar = 1 μm. (B) Quantitations from SBF SEM volumes of a STD control and a STD Rab7::YFPmyc nephrocyte showing similar endosome size distributions. Note that “white” and “light” endosomes but not “dark” endolysosomes were segmented and quantified per cell according to their diameter (μm). See S1 Data for details of p-values and the type of statistical model used for all graphs in this study. S2 Data provides the source data used for all graphs and statistical analyses. CLEM, correlative light-electron microscopy; SBF SEM, serial blockface scanning electron microscopy; STD, standard diet.

