pone.0298396.g001.tif (3.75 MB)

CD4+ T cells breach SGC barrier surrounding neurons in DRG tissue from naïve and PTX-treated mice.

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posted on 2024-02-08, 18:32 authored by Emily E. Whitaker, Neal E. Mecum, Riley C. Cott, Diana J. Goode

(A-E) Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of neurons (PGP9.5: cyan), SGCs (GLAST: magenta), and T cells (CD3: green, CD4: red) in lumbar 4 (L4) DRG tissue from naïve and day 14 PTX-treated female and male mice. (A) Representative widefield fluorescence of CD4+ T cells (CD3+ CD4+) and neurons (PGP9.5+) in close proximity (solid arrow = absence of GLAST; dashed arrow = occluded by GLAST) in DRG tissue from naïve and PTX-treated female mice. (B) Quantification of the number of CD4+ T cells per mm2 of DRG tissue in female and male naïve and PTX-treated mice (day 7 and 14) (n = 8). (C) Differential inference contrast (DIC), fluorescence, and merged confocal Z-slice images of a CD4+ T cell between the SGC barrier and a PGP9.5+ DRG neuron from a PTX-treated female mouse. (D) 3D projection of a CD4+ T cell shown in (C, S1 Fig in S1 File and S1 Video). (E) Maximum projection images of a CD4+ T cell that breached the SGC barrier surrounding a neuron in DRG tissue from a naïve female mouse.
