pone.0250586.s004.tif (620.28 kB)

Boxplot of additional representative proteins driving upregulation of serum pathways.

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posted on 2021-05-05, 17:30 authored by Leah G. Jarsberg, Komal Kedia, Jason Wendler, Aaron T. Wright, Paul D. Piehowski, Marina A. Gritsenko, Tujin Shi, David M. Lewinsohn, George B. Sigal, Marc H. Weiner, Richard D. Smith, Joseph Keane, Jon M. Jacobs, Payam Nahid

A-C) Boxplot representation of quantitative global MS data for three additional relevant proteins representative of inflammatory, host response, and immune activation showing both up and down regulation within the African cohort stratified by cavitary size.

