pone.0257783.g002.tif (98.53 kB)

Box whisker plots of mitochondrial enzyme activities in stage 1.

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posted on 2021-10-28, 17:29 authored by Hamid Abudhaise, Jan-Willem Taanman, Peter DeMuylder, Barry Fuller, Brian R. Davidson

The plots demonstrate the distribution of enzyme activities round the median in each group, shown before and after 4-hr end-ischaemic hypothermic machine perfusion and 4-hr static cold storage. The change in enzyme activities was not significantly different between groups (p > 0.05). Top and bottom whiskers represent the maximum and minimum values, respectively. Circles represent outliers (1.5 to 3x interquartile range) and diamonds represent extreme outliers (> 3x interquartile range).
