pone.0259091.g003.tif (229.18 kB)

Box plot of lncRNAs differentially expressed in NSCLC tissues and adjacent tissues.

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posted on 2021-10-29, 17:30 authored by Kui Xiao, Yang Wang, Lihua Zhou, Jufen Wang, Yaohui Wang, De Tong, Zhiruo Zhu, Jiehan Jiang

A. The expression of LINC00968 in NSCLC tissues and adjacent tissues. B. The expression of lnc-FAM92A-9 in NSCLC tissues and adjacent tissues. C. The expression of lnc-PTGFR-1 in NSCLC tissues and adjacent tissues. The abscissa represented the group and the ordinate represented the expression of lncRNA, p<0.05.
